APIs - Export Services - Client Registration API Examples Introduction

This page of Export Services Client Registration API Examples contains various export service registrations to show how to get data from the EdgeX Foundry export distribution service in the format that is wanted and on the output channel that is wanted (MQTT or REST). Example Core Data Event/Readings are used to show the expected output by the export clients. Setup

  • Start the EdgeX Microservices via the User Guide ( )
  • Start an HTTP Server App to listen for posts on port 8111 of the local box
  • Start an MQTT Broker and Topic listener. The following examples use Cloud MQTT with the listed properties:
    • Address: m10.cloudmqtt.com
    • port:15421
    • publisher: EdgeXExportPublisher
    • user:hukfgtoh
    • password: uP6hJLYW6Ji4
    • topic: EdgeXDataTopic

The following Value Descriptors need to be added (posted) to Core Data before running the tests or examples

POST the following JSON bodies to http://localhost:48080/api/v1/valuedescriptor
{"name":"temperature","min":"-40","max":"140","type":"F","uomLabel":"degree cel","defaultValue":"0","formatting":"%s","labels":["temp","hvac"]}

Test Message

Post the following Event/Reading message to Core Data in order to test each of the scenarios below and to get the results as depicted under each example

POST the JSON body to:  http://localhost:48080/api/v1/event
{"origin":1471806386919,"device":"livingroomthermostat","readings":[{"origin":1471806386919,"name":"temperature","value":"72"}, {"origin":1471806386919,"name":"humidity","value":"58"}]}

NOTE: for all POST examples below, inclusion of an origin timestamp is optional.

Example #1 - simple tests

Receive all exported Core Data Event/Readings with valid value descriptors in the reading, uncompressed, unencrypted, and with no filters in place (that is with no device filters in place and no value descriptor filters in place).

Register for JSON formatted data to be sent to MQTT topic

POST to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration
{"origin":1471806386919,"name":"MQTTClient","addressable":{"origin":1471806386919,"name":"EdgeXTestMQTTBroker","protocol":"TCP","address":"m10.cloudmqtt.com","port":15421,"publisher":"EdgeXExportPublisher","user":"hukfgtoh", "password":"uP6hJLYW6Ji4","topic":"EdgeXDataTopic"},"format":"JSON","enable":true,"destination":"MQTT_TOPIC"}

Result of putting test message to the MQTT Topic:


Register for JSON formatted data to be sent to a REST address

POST to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration

Result of sending test message to HTTP Server:


Register for XML formatted data to be sent to MQTT topic

POST to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration
{"origin":1471806386919,"name":"MQTTXMLClient","addressable":{"origin":1471806386919,"name":"EdgeXTestMQTTXMLBroker","protocol":"TCP","address":"m10.cloudmqtt.com","port":15421,"publisher":"EdgeXExportPublisher", "user":"hukfgtoh","password":"uP6hJLYW6Ji4","topic":"EdgeXXMLDataTopic"},"format":"XML","enable":true,"destination":"MQTT_TOPIC"}



Register for XML formatted data to be sent to a REST address

POST to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration



Example #2 - compression tests

Receive all exported core data Event/Readings with valid value descriptors in the reading, compressed, but unencrypted, and with no filters in place (that is with no device filters in place and no value descriptor filters in place).

Modify the JSON/MQTT client registration to request future exports be compressed (through GZIP format)

PUT to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration



Modify the JSON/REST client registration to request future exports be compressed (through GZIP format)

PUT to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration



Modify the XML/MQTT client registration to request future exports be compressed (through GZIP format)

PUT to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration



Modify the XML/REST client registration to request future exports be compressed (through GZIP format)

PUT to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration



Example #3 - encryption tests

Receive all exported Core Data Event/Readings with valid value descriptors in the reading, encrypted, but uncompressed, and with no filters in place (that is with no device filters in place and no value descriptor filters in place).

Modify the JSON/MQTT client registration to request future exports be encrypted (through AES algorithm) and uncompressed (switched back from the last test)

PUT to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration
{{"name":"MQTTClient","compression":"NONE", "encryption":{"encryptionAlgorithm":"AES","encryptionKey":"123","initializingVector":"123"}}



Modify the JSON/REST client registration to request future exports be encrypted (through AES algorithm) and uncompressed (switched back from the last test)

PUT to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration



Modify the XML/MQTT client registration to request future exports be encrypted (through AES algorithm) and uncompressed (switched back from the last test)

PUT to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration



Modify the XML/REST client registration to request future exports be encrypted (through AES algorithm) and uncompressed (switched back from the last test)

PUT to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration



Example #4 - compressed and encrypted tests

Receive all exported Core Data Event/Readings with valid value descriptors in the reading, encrypted and compressed, but with no filters in place (that is with no device filters in place and no value descriptor filters in place).

Modify the JSON/MQTT client registration to compress the data (this time through ZIP format) and leave the data encrypted (through AES algorithm) per the last tests

PUT to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration



Modify the JSON/REST client registration to compress the data (this time through ZIP format) and leave the data encrypted (through AES algorithm) per the last tests

PUT to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration



Modify the XML/MQTT client registration to compress the data (this time through ZIP format) and leave the data encrypted (through AES algorithm) per the last tests

PUT to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration



Modify the XML/REST client registration to compress the data (this time through ZIP format) and leave the data encrypted (through AES algorithm) per the last tests

PUT to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration



Example #5 - filter invalid readings tests

Attempt to receive Event/Readings with readings with values that fall outside the parameters of the associated Value Descriptor. This should result in no data reaching the client endpoints (MQTT or REST).

No client registration changes are required for these tests.

Test Message

For this example, POST the following event to core data (note the reading data is outside the value descriptors for temperature and humidity)
{"origin":1471806386919,"device":"livingroomthermostat","readings":[{"origin":1471806386919,"name":"temperature","value":"-720"}, {"origin":1471806386919,"name":"humidity","value":"-580"}]


No data should be seen in the HTTP client or MQTT Broker client. All data is filtered.

Look for the RejectedEventsServiceActivator: Rejected Event: Event [… message in Export Distro log

Example #6 - receive invalid reading tests

With the value descriptor check turned off, receive all exported core data Event/Readings regardless of the fact that the readings have values that fall outside the value descriptors for temperature and humidity.


  • Stop the EdgeX Export Distro Service
  • In the application.properties file of the microservice, change the valuedescriptor.check=true to false
  • Restart the EdgeX Export Distro Service

No client registration changes are required for these tests.

Test Message

For this example, POST the following event to Core Data (note the reading data is outside the value descriptors for temperature and humidity)
{"origin":1471806386919,"device":"livingroomthermostat","readings":[{"origin":1471806386919,"name":"temperature","value":"-720"}, {"origin":1471806386919,"name":"humidity","value":"-580"}]


2 messages each should appear in the MQTT topic and REST server output as shown in Example #4 results.


  • Stop the EdgeX Export Distro Service
  • In the application.properties file of the microservice, return the valuedescriptor.check=true
  • Restart the EdgeX Export Distro Service
  • Remove all existing client registrations with the following DELETE calls

Example #7 - device filter out tests

Receive all exported Core Data Event/Readings with valid value descriptors in the reading, uncompressed, unencrypted, but with a device filter (but no value descriptor filter) in place. In this example, the device filter will not match any devices on the incoming events.

Register for JSON formatted data to be sent to MQTT topic

POST to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration


No data should be received by the client

Register for JSON formatted data to be sent to a REST address

POST to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration


No data should be received by the client

Register for XML formatted data to be sent to MQTT topic

POST to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration


No data should be received by the client

Register for XML formatted data to be sent to a REST address

POST to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration


No data should be received by the client

Example #8 - device filter in tests

Receive all exported Core Data Event/Readings with valid value descriptors in the reading, uncompressed, unencrypted, but with a device filter (but no value descriptor filter) in place. In this example, the device filter will match the devices on the incoming events. Modify the JSON/MQTT client registration to filter on devices that match the incoming Event device

PUT to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration
{"name":"MQTTClient", "filter":{"deviceIdentifiers":["livingroomthermostat"]}}



Modify the JSON/REST client registration to filter on devices that match the incoming Event device

PUT to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration



Modify the XML/MQTT client registration to filter on devices that match the incoming Event device

PUT to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <Event> <event> <created>1475250939673</created> <id>57ee8afbee7a127aa30cd01b</id> <modified>1475250939673</modified> <origin>1471806386919</origin> <device>livingroomthermostat</device> <pushed>0</pushed> <readings> <created>1475250939667</created> <id>57ee8afbee7a127aa30cd019</id> <modified>1475250939667</modified> <origin>1471806386919</origin> <name>temperature</name> <pushed>0</pushed> <value>72</value> </readings> <readings> <created>1475250939671</created> <id>57ee8afbee7a127aa30cd01a</id> <modified>1475250939671</modified><origin>1471806386919</origin> <name>humidity</name> <pushed>0</pushed> <value>58</value> </readings> </event> </Event>

Modify the XML/REST client registration to filter on devices that match the incoming Event device

PUT to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration






























Example #9 - value descriptor filter out tests

Receive all exported Core Data Event/Readings with valid value descriptors in the reading, uncompressed, unencrypted, but with a value descriptor filter (but no device filter) in place. In this example, the value descriptor filter will not match any readings’ values on the incoming events.

Modify the JSON/MQTT client registration to filter on value descriptor (and remove device filter) that match the incoming Events’ value names

PUT to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration
{"name":"MQTTClient", "filter":{"valueDescriptorIdentifiers":["rpm", "vibration"]}}


No data should be received by the client

Modify the JSON/REST client registration to filter on value descriptor (and remove device filter) that match the incoming Events’ value names

PUT to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration
{"name":"RESTClient","filter":{"valueDescriptorIdentifiers":["rpm", "vibration"]}}


No data should be received by the client

Modify the XML/MQTT client registration to filter on value descriptor (and remove device filter) that match the incoming Events’ value names

PUT to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration
{"name":"MQTTXMLClient","filter":{"valueDescriptorIdentifiers":["rpm", "vibration"]}}


No data should be received by the client

Modify the XML/REST client registration to filter on value descriptor (and remove device filter) that match the incoming Events’ value names

PUT to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration
{"name":"RESTXMLClient","filter":{"valueDescriptorIdentifiers":["rpm", "vibration"]}}


No data should be received by the client

Example #10 - value descriptor filter in tests

Receive all exported Core Data Event/Readings with valid value descriptors in the reading, uncompressed, unencrypted, but with a value descriptor filter (but no device filter) in place. In this example, the value descriptor filter will match the value descriptors on the incoming events. Modify the JSON/MQTT client registration to filter on value descriptors that match the incoming Reading values

PUT to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration
{"name":"MQTTClient", "filter":{"valueDescriptorIdentifiers":["temperature", "humidity"]}}



Modify the JSON/REST client registration to filter on value descriptors that match the incoming Reading values

PUT to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration
{"name":"RESTClient","filter":{"valueDescriptorIdentifiers":["temperature", "humidity"]}}



Modify the XML/MQTT client registration to filter on value descriptors that match the incoming Reading values

PUT to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration
{"name":"MQTTXMLClient","filter":{"valueDescriptorIdentifiers":["temperature", "humidity"]}}


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <Event> <event> <created>1475251968081</created> <id>57ee8f00ee7a127aa30cd02a</id> <modified>1475251968081</modified> <origin>1471806386919</origin> <device>livingroomthermostat</device> <pushed>0</pushed> <readings> <created>1475251968071</created> <id>57ee8f00ee7a127aa30cd028</id> <modified>1475251968071</modified> <origin>1471806386919</origin> <name>temperature</name> <pushed>0</pushed> <value>72</value> </readings> <readings> <created>1475251968079</created> <id>57ee8f00ee7a127aa30cd029</id> <modified>1475251968079</modified><origin>1471806386919</origin> <name>humidity</name> <pushed>0</pushed> <value>58</value> </readings> </event> </Event>

Modify the XML/REST client registration to filter on value descriptors that match the incoming Reading values

PUT to http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration
{"name":"RESTXMLClient","filter":{"valueDescriptorIdentifiers":["temperature", "humidity"]}}


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>



























