3.2.1. Alerts & Notifications

_images/EdgeX_SupportingServicesAlertsNotifications.png Introduction

When notification to another system or to a person, needs to occur to notify of something discovered on the node by another microservice, the Alerts and Notifications microservice delivers that information. Examples of Alerts and Notifications that other services could need to broadcast, include sensor data detected outside of certain parameters (usually detected by a Rules Engine service) or system or service malfunctions (usually detected by System Management services). Terminology

Notifications are informative, whereas Alerts are typically of a more important, critical, or urgent nature, possibly requiring immediate action.


The diagram shows the high-level architecture of Alerts and Notifications. On the left side, the APIs are provided for other microservices, on-box applications, and off-box applications to use, and the APIs could be in REST, AMQP, MQTT, or any standard application protocols. Currently in EdgeX Foundry, the RESTful interface is provided.

On the right side, the notification receiver could be a person or an application system on Cloud or in a server room. By invoking the Subscription RESTful interface to subscribe the specific types of notifications, the receiver obtains the appropriate notifications through defined receiving channels when events occur. The receiving channels include SMS message, e-mail, REST callback, AMQP, MQTT, and so on. Currently in EdgeX Foundry, e-mail and REST callback channels are provided.

When Alerts and Notifications receive notifications from any interface, the notifications are passed to the Notifications Handler internally. The Notifications Handler persists the receiving notification first, and passes them to the Distribution Coordinator immediately if the notifications are critical (severity = “CRITICAL”). For normal notifications (severity = “NORMAL”), they wait for the Message Scheduler to process in batch.

The Alerts and Notifications is scalable, can be expanded to add more severities and set up corresponding Message Schedulers to process them. For example, the Message Scheduler of normal severity notifications is triggered every two hours, and the minor severity notifications is triggered every 24 hours, at midnight each night.

When the Distribution Coordinator receives a notification, it first queries the subscription to acquire receivers who need to obtain this notification and their receiving channel information. According to the channel information, the Distribution Coordinator passes this notification to the corresponding channel senders. Then, the channel senders send out the notifications to the subscribed receivers. Data Model

MongoDB is selected for the persistence of Alerts and Notifications, so the data model design is without foreign key and based on the paradigm of document structure.

_images/EdgeX_SupportingServicesDataModel.png Data Dictionary

Class Name Descrption
Channel The object used to describe the Notification end point.
Notification The object used to describe the message and sender content of a Notification.
Transmission The object used for grouping of Notifications. High Level Interaction Diagrams

This section shows the sequence diagrams for some of the more critical or complex events regarding Alerts and Notifications.

Critical Notifications Sequence

When receiving a critical notification (SEVERITY = “CRITICAL”), it persists first and triggers the distribution process immediately. After updating the notification status, Alerts and Notifications respond to the client to indicate the notification has been accepted.


Normal Notifications Sequence

When receiving a normal notification (SEVERITY = “NORMAL”), it persists first and responds to the client to indicate the notification has been accepted immediately. After a configurable duration, a scheduler triggers the distribution process in batch.


Critical Resend Sequence

When encountering any error during sending critical notification, an individual resend task is scheduled, and each transmission record persists. If the resend tasks keeps failing and the resend count exceeds the configurable limit, the escalation process is triggered. The escalated notification is sent to particular receivers of a special subscription (slug = “ESCALATION”).


Resend Sequence

For other non-critical notifications, the resend operation is triggered by a scheduler.


Cleanup Sequence

Cleanup service removes old notification and transmission records.

_images/EdgeX_SupportingServicesCleanup.png Configuration Properties

Configuration Default Value Dependencies
Service MaxResultCount 50000 * Read data limit per invocation
Service BootTimeout 300000 * Heart beat time in milliseconds
Service StartupMsg This is the Support Notifications Microservice * | Heart beat message
Service Port 48060 ** Micro service port number
Service Host localhost ** Micro service host name
Service Protocol http ** Micro service host protocol
Service ClientMonitor 15000 **  
Service CheckInterval 10s **  
Service Timeout 5000 **  
ResendLimit 2 * Number of attempts to resend a notification
Following config only take effect when logging.persistence=file
Logging File /logs/edgex-support-notifications.log| File path to save logging entries
Logging EnableRemote false Indicate whether to use the logging service (vs local log file)
Following config only take effect when logging.persistence=database
Databases Database Primary Username [empty string] ** DB user name
Databases Database Password [empty string] * DB password
Databases Database Host localhost ** DB host name
Databases Database Port 27017 ** DB port number
Databases Database Database logging * database or document store name
Databases Database Timeout 5000 * DB connection timeout
Databases Database Type mongodb ** DB type
Following config only take effect when connecting to the registry for configuraiton info
Registry Host localhost ** Registry host name
Registry Port 8500 ** Registry port number
Registry Type consul ** Registry implementation type
Following config only take effect when connecting to the remote logging service
Clients Clients.Logging Host localhost ** Remote logging service host name
Clients Clients.Logging Port 48061 ** Remote logging service port number
Clients Clients.Logging Protocol http ** Remote logging service host protocl
Following config apply to using the SMTP service
Smtp Host smtp.gmail.com ** SMTP service host name
Smtp Port 25 ** SMTP service port number
Smtp Password mypassword ** SMTP service host access password
Smtp Sender jdoe@gmail.com ** SMTP service sendor/username
Smtp Subject EdgeX Notification ** SMTP alert message subject
*means the configuration value can be changed if necessary.
**means the configuration value has to be replaced. Configure Mail Server

All the properties with prefix “smtp” are for mail server configuration. Configure the mail server appropriately to send Alerts and Notifications. The correct values depend on which mail server is used. Gmail

Before using Gmail to send Alerts and Notifications, configure the sign-in security settings through one of the following two methods:

  1. Enable 2-Step Verification and use an App Password (Recommended). An App password is a 16-digit passcode that gives an app or device permission to access your Google Account. For more detail about this topic, please refer to this Google official document: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833.
  2. Allow less secure apps: If the 2-Step Verification is not enabled, you may need to allow less secure apps to access the Gmail account. Please see the instruction from this Google official document on this topic: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6010255.

Then, use the following settings for the mail server properties:

Smtp Port=25
Smtp Host=smtp.gmail.com
Smtp Sender=${Gmail account}
Smtp Password=${Gmail password or App password} Yahoo Mail

Similar to Gmail, configure the sign-in security settings for Yahoo through one of the following two methods:

  1. Enable 2-Step Verification and use an App Password (Recommended). Please see this Yahoo official document for more detail: https://help.yahoo.com/kb/SLN15241.html.
  2. Allow apps that use less secure sign in. Please see this Yahoo official document for more detail on this topic: https://help.yahoo.com/kb/SLN27791.html.

Then, use the following settings for the mail server properties:

Smtp Port=25
Smtp Host=smtp.mail.yahoo.com
Smtp Sender=${Yahoo account}
Smtp Password=${Yahoo password or App password}