Ping Resource



Config Resource


Fetch the current state of the service's configuration.

Device Resource (by id)


Remove the Device designated by database generated id. This does not remove associated objects (addressable, service, profile, etc.). Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device cannot be found by the identifier provided.

Device Resource by name (preferred) or id


Obtain a device by either name (preferred) or id. Id must be a valid UUID identifier.

Device Resource (set last reported by name)


Update the last reported time of the device by unique name of the device. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device cannot be found by the name provided.

Device Resource (set last reported by name)


Update the last reported time of the device by unique name of the device. The notify boolean indicates whether the owning device service should be notified of the change. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device cannot be found by the name provided.

Device Resource (set last connected by name)


Update the last connected time of the device by unique name of the device. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device cannot be found by the name provided.

Device Resource (set last connected by name)


Update the last connected time of the device by unique name of the device. The notify boolean indicates whether the owning device service should be notified of the change. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device cannot be found by the name provided.

Device Resource (by name)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/device/name/livingroomthermostat (where livingroomthermostat is the device name)


Remove the Device designated by unique name. This does not remove associated objects (addressable, service, profile, etc.). Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device cannot be found by the identifier provided.


Set the admin or operating state of the device by unique name of the device. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device cannot be found by the name provided.


Return Device matching given name (device names should be unique). May be null if no device matches on the name provided. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device cannot be found by the identifier provided.

Device Resource (set last reported by id)


Update the last reported time of the device by database generated identifier. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device cannot be found by the identifier provided.

Device Resource (set last reported by id)


Update the last reported time of the device by database generated identifier. The notify boolean indicates whether the owning device service should be notified of the change. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device cannot be found by the identifier provided.

Device Resource (set last connected by id)


Update the last connected time of the device by database generated identifier. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device cannot be found by the identifier provided.

Device Resource (set last connected by id)


Update the last connected time of the device by database generated identifier. The notify boolean indicates whether the owning device service should be notified of the change. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device cannot be found by the identifier provided.

Device Resource (by id)


Fetch a specific device by database generated id. May return null if no device with the id is found. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device cannot be found by the identifier provided.


Set the admin or operating state of the device (as referenced by the database generated id of the device) to the state provided (either enabled or disabled). ServiceException (HTTP 500) for unanticipated or unknown issues encountered. Throws NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no device exists by the id provided.

Device Resource (by label)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/device/label/hvac (where hvac is a device label)


Find all Devices having at least one label matching the label provided. List may be empty if no device match. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues.

Device Resource (by profile)


Find all devices associated to the DeviceProfile with the specified profile database generated identifier. List may be empty if no device match. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no DeviceProfile match on the id provided.

Device Resource (by service)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/device/service/5f79f674-a25e-44e6-bab0-1cc687420e40 (where the id is the associated device service id)


Find all devices associated to the DeviceService with the specified DeviceService database generated identifier. List may be empty if no device match. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no DeviceService match on the id provided.

Device Resource (by service name)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/device/servicename/home thermostat device service (where home thermostat device service is the name of the device service)


Find all devices associated to the DeviceService with the specified service name (DeviceService names must be unique). List may be empty if no device match. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no DeviceService match on the name provided.

Device Resource (by profile name)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/device/profilename/thermostat profile (where 'thermostat profile' is the name of a device profile)


Find all devices associated to the DeviceProfile with the specified profile name. List may be empty if no device match. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no DeviceProfile match on the name provided.

Device Resource


Add a new Device - name must be unique. Embedded objects (device, service, profile, addressable) are all referenced in the new Device object by id or name to associated objects. All other data in the embedded objects will be ignored. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns DataValidationException (HTTP 409) if an associated object (Addressable, Profile, Service) cannot be found with the id or name provided.


Update the Device identified by the id or name stored in the object provided. Id is used first, name is used second for identification purposes. New device services & profiles cannot be created with a PUT, but the service and profile can replaced by referring to a new device service or profile id or name. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device cannot be found by the identifier provided.


Return all devices sorted by id. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns LimitExceededException (HTTP 413) if the number returned exceeds the max limit.

DeviceProfile Resource (by id)


Remove the DeviceProfile designated by database generated id. This does not remove associated commands. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device profile cannot be found by the identifier provided. Returns DataValidationException (HTTP 413) if devices still reference the profile.

DeviceProfile Resource (by manufacturer or model)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/deviceprofile/manufacturer/Honeywell/model/ABC123 (where Honeywell is the manufacturer associated to profiles and ABC123 is the model associated to profiles)


Find all DeviceProfiles with a manufacture or model attribute matching that provided (either matching provides a hit). List may be empty if no profiles match. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues.

DeviceProfile Resource (by manufacturer)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/deviceprofile/manufacturer/Honeywell (where Honeywell is the manufacturer associated to profiles)


Find all DeviceProfiles with a manufacture attribute matching that provided. List may be empty if no profiles match. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues.

DeviceProfile Resource (by name)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/deviceprofile/name/thermostat profile (where thermostat profile is the name of a profile)


Remove the DeviceProfile designated by unique name. This does not remove associated commands. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device profile cannot be found by the name provided. Returns DataValidationException (HTTP 409) if devices still reference the profile.


Return the DeviceProfile matching given name (profile names should be unique). May be null if no profiles matches on the name provided. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device profile cannot be found by the name provided.

DeviceProfile Resource (upload YAML file)


Add a new DeviceProfile (and associated Command objects) via YAML profile file - name must be unique. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns DataValidationException (HTTP 409) if an associated command's name is a duplicate for the profile. Returns ClientException (HTTP 400) if the YAML file is empty.

DeviceProfile Resource (by id)


Fetch a specific profile by database generated id. May return null if no profile with the id is found. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device profile cannot be found by the id provided.

DeviceProfile Resource (upload YAML)


Add a new DeviceProfile (and associated Command objects) via YAML content - name must be unique. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns DataValidationException (HTTP 409) if an associated command's name is a duplicate for the profile.

DeviceProfile Resource (by name)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/deviceprofile/yaml/name/thermostat profile (where thermostat profile is the name of a profile)


Return, in yaml form, the DeviceProfiles matching given name (profile names should be unique). May be null if no profiles matches on the name provided. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device profile cannot be found by the name provided.

DeviceProfile Resource (by id)


Fetch the profile identified by database generated id and return as a YAML string. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. eturns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device profile cannot be found by the name provided.

DeviceProfile Resource (by model)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/deviceprofile/model/ABC123 (where ABC123 is a model associated to a profile)


Find all DeviceProfiles with a model attribute matching that provided. List may be empty if no profiles match. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues.

DeviceProfile Resource (by label)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/deviceprofile/label/bacnet (where bacnet is a label associated to profiles)


Find all DeviceProfiles having at least one label matching the label provided. List may be empty if no profiles match. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues.

DeviceProfile Resource


Add a new DeviceProfile (and associated Command objects) - name must be unique. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns DataValidationException (HTTP 409) if an associated command's name is a duplicate for the profile.


Update the DeviceProfile identified by the id or name stored in the object provided. Id is used first, name is used second for identification purposes. Associated commands must be updated directly. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the profile cannot be found by the identifier provided.


Return all profiles sorted by id. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns LimitExceededException (HTTP 413) if the number returned exceeds the max limit.

DeviceReport Resource (by id)


Remove the DevicReport designated by database generated id. Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no DeviceReport is found with the provided id.

DeviceReport Resource (by name)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/devicereport/name/livingroom collection report (where livingroom collection report is the name of a device report)


Remove the DevicReport designated by name. Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no DeviceReport is found with the provided name.


Return DeviceReport matching given name (device report names should be unique). May be null if no report matches on the name provided. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no DeviceReport is found with the provided name.

DeviceReport Resource (by id)


Fetch a specific DeviceReport by database generated id. May return null if no report with the id is found. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no DeviceReport is found with the provided id.

DeviceReport Resources (by device name)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/devicereport/devicename/livingroomthermostat (where livingroomthermostat is the name of a device )


Return DeviceReports with associated device matching given name (device names should be unique). May be an empty list if no device matches on the name provided. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues.

Value Descriptor names (associated to device reports for given device name)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/devicereport/valueDescriptorsFor/livingroomthermostat (where livingroomthermostat is the name of a device )


Return list of value descriptor names associated to device reports associated to name of the device provided. May be an empty list if no device matches on the name provided. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues.

DeviceReport Resource


Add a new DeviceReport - name must be unique. Referenced objects (device, interval action) are all referenced in the new DeviceReport by name and must already be persisted. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if any referenced object cannot be found by its provided name.


Update the DeviceReport identified by the id or name in the object provided. Id is used first, name is used second for identification purposes. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if any referenced object cannot be found by its provided name.


Return all device reports sorted by id. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns LimitExceededException (HTTP 413) if the number returned exceeds the max limit.

DeviceService Resource (by id)


Remove the DeviceService designated by database generated id. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device service cannot be found by the identifier provided.

DeviceService Resource (by addressable name)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/deviceservice/addressablename/hvac thermo address (where hvac thermo address is the name of an addressable)


Find all device serices associated to the Addressable with the specified addressable name. List may be empty if no device services match. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no Addressable match on the name provided.

DeviceService Resource (update op state by name)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/deviceservice/name/home thermostat device service/opstate/enabled (where home thermostat device service is the name of a device service)


Update the op status time of the device service by unique name of the device service. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device service cannot be found by the name provided.

DeviceService Resource (update admin state by name)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/deviceservice/name/home thermostat device service/adminstate/unlocked (where home thermostat device service is the name of a device service)


Update the admin state of the device service by device service name. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device service cannot be found by the identifier provided.

DeviceService Resource (update last reported by name)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/deviceservice/name/home thermostat device service/lastreported/1471922060000 (where home thermostat device service is the name of a device service)


Update the last reported time of the device service by unique name of the device service. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device service cannot be found by the name provided.

DeviceService Resource (update last connected by name)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/deviceservice/name/home thermostat device service/lastconnected/1471922060000 (where home thermostat device service is the name of a device service)


Update the last connected time of the device service by unique name of the device service. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device service cannot be found by the name provided.

DeviceService Resource (by name)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/deviceservice/name/home thermostat device service (where home thermostat device service is the name of a device service)


Remove the DeviceService designated by name. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device service cannot be found by the name provided.


Return the DeviceService matching given name (service names should be unique). May be null if no services matches on the name provided. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device service cannot be found by the name provided.

DeviceService Resource (update op state)


Update the op state of the device service by database generated identifier. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device service cannot be found by the identifier provided.

DeviceService Resource (update admin state)


Update the admin state of the device service by database generated identifier. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device service cannot be found by the identifier provided.

DeviceService Resource (update last reported)


Update the last reported time of the device service by database generated identifier. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device service cannot be found by the identifier provided.

DeviceService Resource (update last connected)


Update the last connected time of the device service by database generated identifier. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device service cannot be found by the identifier provided.

DeviceService Resource (by id)


Fetch a specific device service by database generated id. May return null if no service with the id is found. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device service cannot be found by the identifier provided.

DeviceService Resource (by addressable)


Find all device servicess associated to the Addressable with the specified addressable database generated identifier. List may be empty if no device service match. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no Addressable match on the id provided.

DeviceService Resource (by label)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/deviceservice/label/hvac (where hvac is a label associated to device services)


Find all DeviceServices having at least one label matching the label provided. List may be empty if no device services match. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues.

DeviceService Resource


Add a new DeviceService - name must be unique. The Addressable must already exist and can be referenced by an included Addressable object containing the Addressable's id or name. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns DataValidationException (HTTP 409) if an associated addressable (by id or name) is not found.


Update the DeviceServcie identified by the id or name stored in the object provided. Id is used first, name is used second for identification purposes. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the device service cannot be found by the identifier provided.


Return all device services sorted by id. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns LimitExceededException (HTTP 413) if the number returned exceeds the max limit.

ProvisionWatcher Resource (by id)


Remove the ProvisionWatcher designated by the database generated id for the ProvisionWatcher. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no provision watcher with the provided id is found.

ProvisionWatcher Resource (by id)


Fetch a specific provision watcher by database generated id. May return null if no provision watcher matches on id. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no provision watcher with the provided id is found.

ProvisionWatcher Resource (by name)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/provisionwatcher/name/bacnet watcher (where bacnet watcher is the unique name of an ProvisionWatcher)


Remove the ProvisionWatcher designated by unique name identifier. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no provision watcher with the provided name is found.


Return ProvisionWatcher with matching name (name should be unique). May be null if none match. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no provision watcher with the provided name is found.

ProvisionWatcher Resource (by profile)


Find all provision watchers associated to the DeviceProfile with the specified profile database generated identifier. List may be empty if no provision watchers match. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no DeviceProfile match on the id provided.

ProvisionWatcher Resource (by profile name)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/provisionwatcher/profilename/thermostat profile (where 'thermostat profile' is the name of a device profile)


Find all provision watchers associated to the DeviceProfile with the specified profile name. List may be empty if no provision watcher match. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no DeviceProfile match on the name provided.

ProvisionWatcher Resource (by service)


Find the provision watchers associated to the DeviceService with the specified service database generated identifier. List may be empty if no provision watchers match. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no DeviceService match on the id provided.

ProvisionWatcher Resource (by service name)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/provisionwatcher/servicename/home thermostat device service (where 'home thermostat device service' is the name of a device service)


Find the provision watchers associated to the DeviceService with the specified service name. List may be none if no provision watcher match. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no DeviceService match on the name provided.

ProvisionWatcher Resource (by identifier key value pair)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/provisionwatcher/identifier/HTTP/ (where HTTP and are the key value pair of the provision watcher identifier to be searched for )


Find the provision watchers associated to the identifier key/value pair. The identifier key/value pair identify a protocol and address of the protocol to watch for by the Device Service. List may be none if no provision watcher match. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues.

ProvisionWatcher Resource


Add a new ProvisionWatcher - name must be unique. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns DataValidationException (HTTP 409) if profile service are unknown


Update the ProvisionWatcher identified by the id or name in the object provided. Id is used first, name is used second for identification purposes. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no provision watcher with the provided id is found.


Return all provision watcher objects sorted by database generated id. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns LimitExceededException (HTTP 413) if the number returned exceeds the max limit.

Addressable Resource (by id)


Remove the Addressable designated by the database generated id for the Addressable. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no addressable with the provided id is found.

Addressable Resource (by id)


Fetch a specific addressable by database generated id. May return null if no addressable matches on id. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if not found by the id.

Addressable Resource (by name)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/addressable/name/hvac thermo address (where hvac thermo address is the unique name of an Addressable)


Remove the Addressable designated by unique name identifier. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no addressable with the provided name is found.


Return Addressable with matching name (name should be unique). May be null if none match. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if not found by name.

Addressable Resource (by topic)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/addressable/topic/thermodata (where thermodata is the name of Addressables' topic)


Return Addressable objects with given topic. List may be empty if none are associated to the topic. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues.

Addressable Resource (by port)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/addressable/port/48089 (where 48089 is the name of Addressables' topic)


Return Addressable objects with given port. List may be empty if none are associated to the port. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues.

Addressable Resource (by publisher)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/addressable/publisher/DELLPUB (where DELLPUB is an Addressable publisher)


Return Addressable objects with given publisher. List may be empty if none are associated to the publisher. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues.

Addressable Resource (by address)


Return Addressable objects with given address. List may be empty if none are associated to the address. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues.

Addressable Resource


Add a new Addressable - name must be unique. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues.


Update the Addressable identified by the id or name in the object provided. Id is used first, name is used second for identification purposes. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no addressable with the provided id is found.


Return all addressable objects sorted by database generated id. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns LimitExceededException (HTTP 413) if the number returned exceeds the max limit.

Command Resource (by id)


Fetch a specific command by database generated id. May return null if no commands with the id is found. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no command with the provided id is found.

Command Resource

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/command/name/cooling point (where cooling point is the name of a command)


Return Command objects with given name. Name is not unique for all of EdgeX but is unique per any associated Device Profile. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues.

Command Resource


Return all command objects. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns LimitExceededException (HTTP 413) if the number returned exceeds the max limit.

Command Resource (by device id)


Fetch commands by device id. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no command with the provided id is found.

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