Export Registration Resource(by id)


Delete a client export registration by database id. Return NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the existing export registration cannot be found by id. Return ServiceException (HTTP 503) for unknown or unanticipated issues.

Export Registration Resource (by name)

example - http://localhost:48071/api/v1/registration/name/OSIClient (where OSIClient is the name of an ExportRegistration)


Delete a client export registration by name. Return NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the existing export registration cannot be found by name. Return ServiceException (HTTP 503) for unknown or unanticipated issues.


Fetch a client export registration by unique name. Return NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no export registration matches on name. Return ServiceException (HTTP 503) for unknown or unanticipated issues.

Export Registration Resource (by id)


Fetch a client export registration by id. Return NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no export registration matches on id. Return ServiceException (HTTP 503) for unknown or unanticipated issues.

Export Registration Resource


Add a new client export registration. Name must be unique across the database. Return ServiceException (HTTP 503) for unknown or unanticipated issues.


Update a client export registration. Name & id are not updated as they are identifiers. Return NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the existing export registration cannot be found by id or name. Return ServiceException (HTTP 503) for unknown or unanticipated issues.


Fetch all client export registrations. Return ServiceException (HTTP 503) for unknown or unanticipated issues. No limits are exercised on this query at this time. May need to add this in the future if the number of clients is huge.

Export Registration Reference Options Resource


Fetch all supported values for the specified Export Client registration property type. Types are algorithms, compressions, formats, and destinations. Return ServiceException (HTTP 503) for unknown type specifications.

Ping Resource


Test service providing an indication that the service is available.

Config Resource


Fetch the current state of the service's configuration.

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