Interval Resource (by name)

Example - http://localhost:48085/api/v1/info/midnight (where midnight is the name of an Interval)


Return Interval matching given name (interval names should be unique). May be null if no interval matches on the name provided. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no Interval is found with the provided name.

Ping Resource



IntervalAction Resource (by id)


Remove the IntervalAction designated by database generated id. Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no IntervalAction is found with the provided id. DataValidationException (HTTP 409) if an attempt to delete a interval action still being referenced by device reports.


Fetch a specific IntervalAction by database generated id. May return null if no interval action with the id is found. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no IntervalAction is found with the provided id.

IntervalAction Resource (by name)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/intervalaction/name/scrub pushed records (where 'scrub pushed records' is a interval action name)


Remove the IntervalAction designated by name. Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no IntervalAction is found with the provided name. DataValidationException (HTTP 409) if an attempt to delete a interval action still being referenced by device reports.


Return IntervalActions matching given name (interval names should be unique). May be null if no interval events matches on the name provided. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no IntervalAction is found with the provided name.

IntervalAction Resource (by target name)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/intervalaction/target/core-data (returns all intervalaction(s) associated with the target core-data)


Remove the IntervalAction(s) designated by name. Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no IntervalAction is found with the provided name. DataValidationException (HTTP 409) if an attempt to delete a interval action still being referenced by device reports.


Return IntervalActions matching given name (interval names should be unique). May be null if no interval events matches on the name provided. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no IntervalAction is found with the provided name.

IntervalAction Resource


Add a new IntervalAction - name must be unique. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if the action's associated interval is not found (referenced by name). DataValidationException (HTTP 409) if the interval was not provided.


Update the IntervalAction identified by the id or name in the object provided. Id is used first, name is used second for identification purposes. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. DataValidationException (HTTP 409) if an attempt to change the name is made when the interval action is still being referenced by device reports. NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no interval is found for the identifier provided.


Return all interval events sorted by id. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns LimitExceededException (HTTP 413) if the number returned exceeds the max limit.

Interval Resource


Remove the Interval designated by database generated id. Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no Interval is found with the provided id.


Fetch a specific Interval by database generated id. May return null if no interval with the id is found. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no Interval is found with the provided id.

Interval Resource (by name)

Example - http://localhost:48081/api/v1/interval/name/hourly (where hourly is the name of a interval)


Remove the Interval designated by name. Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no Interval is found with the provided name.


Return Interval matching given name (interval names should be unique). May be null if no interval matches on the name provided. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no Interval is found with the provided name.

Interval Resource


Add a new Interval - name must be unique. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. DataValidationException (HTTP 409) if the cron expression string is not properly formatted.


Update an Interval identified by the id or name in the object provided. Id is used first, name is used second for identification purposes. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. DataValidationException (HTTP // 409) if any the time or frequency strings are not properly formatted. NotFoundException (HTTP 404) if no interval is found for the id.


Return all intervals sorted by id. Returns Internal Service Error (HTTP 500) for unknown or unanticipated issues. Returns LimitExceededException (HTTP 413) if the number returned exceeds the max limit.

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